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Santa Kalēja
Lazdiņš A., Petaja G., Bārdule A., Polmanis K., Kalēja S., Maliarenko O., Melnik N. 2024. Forests, 15(9), 1500
Fine Roots in Hemiboreal Forest Stands and Clearcut Areas with Nutrient-Rich Organic Soils in Latvia: Morphological Traits, Production and Carbon Input
DOI: 10.3390/f15091500
Meļņiks R.N., Upenieks E.M., Butlers A., Bārdule A., Kalēja S., Lazdiņš A. 2024. Land, 13(6), 790
Quantifying Dissolved Organic Compound Efflux from Drained Peatlands in Hemiboreal Latvia
DOI: 10.3390/land13060790
Strubergs A. Zimelis A., Kaleja S., Ivanovs J., Sisenis L., Lazdiņš A. 2024. Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering, 45(2), 17
Using Cut-to-Length (CTL) Harvester Production Data in Forest Inventories
DOI: 10.5552/crojfe.2024.2319
Lazdiņš A., Lupiķis A., Polmanis K., Bārdule A., Butlers A., Kalēja S. 2024. Silva Fennica, 58(1), 22017
Carbon stock changes of drained nutrient-rich organic forest soils in Latvia
DOI: 10.14214/sf.22017
Meļņiks R.N., Bārdule A., Butlers A., Champion J., Kalēja S., Skranda I., Petaja G., Lazdiņš A. 2023. Land, 12(12), 2153
Carbon Losses from Topsoil in Abandoned Peat Extraction Sites Due to Ground Subsidence and Erosion
DOI: 10.3390/land12122153
Butlers A., Lazdiņš A., Kalēja S., Purviņa D., Spalva G., Saule G., Bārdule A. 2023. Forests, 14(7), 1390
CH4 and N2O Emissions of Undrained and Drained Nutrient-Rich Organic Forest Soil
DOI: 10.3390/f14071390
Lazdins A., Makovskis K., Zimelis A., Kaleja S. 2023. Proceedings of International Scientific Conference "Engineering for Rural Development 2023", Latvia, 24-26 May, 2023, 250-257
Greenhouse gas emissions in typical forest biofuel supply chains in state forests
DOI: 10.22616/ERDev.2023.22.TF050
Samariks V., Lazdiņš A., Bārdule A., Kalēja S., Butlers A., Spalva G., Jansons Ā. 2023. Forests, 14(2), 184
Impact of Former Peat Extraction Field Afforestation on Soil Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Hemiboreal Region
DOI: 10.3390/f14020184
Butlers A., Lazdiņš A., Kalēja S., Bārdule A. 2022. Forests, 13(11), 1790
Carbon Budget of Undrained and Drained Nutrient-Rich Organic Forest Soil
DOI: 10.3390/f13111790
Liepiņš J., Lazdiņš A., Kalēja S., Liepiņš K. 2022. Land, 11(7), 108
Species Composition Affects the Accuracy of Stand-Level Biomass Models in Hemiboreal Forests
DOI: 10.3390/land11071108
Kaleja S., Butlers A. 2022. Proceedings of 21st International Scientific Conference "Engineering for Rural Development", 669-674
Evaluation of public attitude to forest drainage as climate change mitigation measure
DOI: 10.22616/ERDev.2022.21.TF215
Kaleja S., Bardule A. 2022. Proceedings of 28th Annual International Scientific Conference "Research for Rural Development 2022", 37, 56-62
Review of climate change mitigation measures applicable in degraded peatlands in Latvia
DOI: 10.22616/rrd.28.2022.008
Līcīte I., Makovskis K., Kalēja S., Zimelis A., Champion J., Lazdiņš A. 2021. Proceedings of the 10th International Scientific Conference “Rural Development 2021: Challenges for Sustainable Bioeconomy and Climate Change”, 21-23 September 2021, 106-111
Greenhouse gas mitigation potential of forest biofuel originated in Latvia
DOI: 10.15544/RD.2021.018
Lazdins A., Kaleja S., Zimelis A., Spalva G., Bardulis A. 2021. Proceedings of 20th International Scientific Conference "Engineering for Rural Development 2021", 780-785
Productivity and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions of compact class Vimek 404 T5 harvester in thinning of young birch stands in afforested cropland
DOI: 10.22616/ERDev.2021.20.TF173
Zimelis A., Lazdins A., Saule G., Kaleja S. 2021. Proceedings of 20th International Scientific Conference "Engineering for Rural Development 2021", 20, 1814-1820
Estimation of productivity and cost of small-size fully-mechanized cut-to-length systems
DOI: 10.22616/ERDev.2021.20.TF398
Kalēja S. 2020. Promocijas darba kopsavilkums [Summary of Thesis]. LVMI "Silava" [LSFRI "Silava"], ISBN 978-9934-603-03-7
Mašinizētas enerģētiskās koksnes sagatavošanas tehnoloģiskie un ekonomiskie risinājumi starpcirtē [Technological and economic solutions of mechanised forest biofuel production in thinning]
Ivanovs J., Stals T., Kaleja S. 2020. Proceedings 26th Annual International Scientific Conference "Research for Rural Development 2020", 35, 248-251
Impact of the use of existing ditch vector data on soil moisture predictions
DOI: 10.22616/rrd.26.2020.036
Zimelis A., Kalēja S., Sergey A. 2020. Proceedings of 26th Annual International Scientific Conference "Research for Rural Development 2020", 35, 61-65
Evaluation of productivity and costs of Malwa forest machine in sanitary fellings in Latvia
DOI: 10.22616/rrd.26.2020.009
Makovskis K., Lazdina D., Kaleja S., Spalva G., Dumins K. 2019. Agronomy Research, 17(6), 2327-2338
Planting and tending productivity comparison in mounds and disc trenches using containerized and bareroot coniferous seedlings
DOI: 10.15159/ar.19.196
Zimelis A., Kalēja S., Okmanis M. 2019. Proceedings of Scientific Conference "Engineering for Rural Development", 18, 475-480
Complex forest management system based on small size forest machines
DOI: 10.22616/ERDev2019.18.N021
Kalēja S., Spalva G., Lazdiņš A. 2019. Proceedings of International Conference "Research for Rural Development 2019", 1, 44-51
Evaluation of potential impact of soil scarification pattern on trees’ damages in future commercial thinning
DOI: 10.22616/rrd.25.2019.007
Kalēja S., Lazdiņš A., Zimelis A., Spalva G. 2018. Agronomy Research, 16(5), 2068-2078
Model for cost calculation and sensitivity analysis of forest operations
DOI: 10.15159/AR.18.207
Petaja G., Kaleja S., Zimelis A., Lazdins A. 2018. Proceedings of 17th International Scientific Conference "Engineering for Rural Development", 17, 1366-1371
Comparison of productivity of standard and accumulating forwarder grapple in thinning
DOI: 10.22616/ERDev2018.17.N143
Kalēja S., Spalva G., Stola J. 2018. Proceedings of 17th International Scientific Conference "Engineering for Rural Development", 17, 1458-1463
Productivity and cost of logbear F4000 forwarder in thinning depending on driving conditions
DOI: 10.22616/ERDev2018.17.N275
Kalēja S., Petaja G., Zimelis A., Puzuls K. 2018. Proceedings of 17th International Scientific Conference "Engineering for Rural Development", 17, 1384-1389
Increase of forwarding productivity and reduction of tree damages in thinning by use of loading grapple with tilt function
DOI: 10.22616/ERDev2018.17.N148
Zimelis A., Kaleja S., Luguza S. 2018. Proceedings of 24th International Scientific Conference "Research for Rural Development 2018", 1, 47-52
Factors affecting productivity of machined logging in thinning using small size forest machines
DOI: 10.22616/rrd.24.2018.007
Zimelis A., Kaleja S., Spalva G., Lazdins A. 2017. Proceedings of 16th International Scientific Conference "Engineering for Rural Development", 16, 756-760
Impact of feed rollers on productivity and fuel consumption
DOI: 10.22616/ERDev2017.16.N152
Lazdiņš A., Lazdāns V., Kalēja S., Zimelis A., Prindulis U., Kļaviņa D., Rozītis G. 2014. Mežzinātne, 28, 166-179
Celmu biokurināmā resursu un to pieejamības apskats egļu audzēs valsts mežos [Evaluation of resources and accessibility of stump biomass in spruce stands in state forests]
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