On behalf of the Scientific and Organizing Committees, we invite you to attend the 12th Baltic Theriological Conference "BALTIC MAMMALS IN THE TURBULENCE OF ANTHROPOGENIC TENSIONS", organized by the Latvian State Forest Research Institute "Silava" and supported by Latvian Academy of Sciences and Latvian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences.
At this Conference, we will cover a broad spectrum of topics on mammalian ecology and conservation, management, genetics, taxonomy, and parasitology. According to the title of this conference, special attention will be given to human-animal relationships and wildlife conflicts in the modern-day environment.
The 12th Baltic Theriological Conference will continue the tradition of sharing our achievements, discussing current issues and challenges in mammal research, population management and conflict mitigation, and planning our future research projects.
We look forward to seeing you at the Conference and hope you will accept this opportunity to share your experience and expertise and network with your colleagues!
Venue |
Accommodation |
Abstract submission |
Scientific Committee |
Contacts and Organisers |
Post-conference excursion |
History of the Baltic Theriological Conferences |