Study supported by the Latvian Environmental Protection Fund
The aim of study:
- To maintain a favourable status for the wolf population ensuring a continuous range of the Baltic wolf population in Latvia, maintaining high biological capacity and natural ecological functions of the species in ecosystems without increasing economic conflicts.
- To find the most successful solution among the stake holders concerning issues of large carnivore and human coexistence in Latvia.
Main tasks of study:
- To update the Species Conservation Plan (SCP) in accordance with the Guidelines for the development of species protection plans in Latvia.
- To organize an international meeting involving Lithuanian, Estonian and LCIE experts on large carnivores, sharing learning points and discussing issues covered in the Latvian SCP.
- To organize two meetings involving a wide range of experts from governmental and non-governmental institutions in Latvia to discuss SCP.
- To survey public opinion on the status of large carnivore populations and conflicts of interest and compare the results with the previous study.
- To complete English translation of the full text of SCP.
Achieved results
Action Plan for Grey Wolf Canis lupus Conservation and Management