Game Management Development Foundation agreement No. 24-00-S0MSF02-000001
The tasks of Study:
- To collect the root of a canine from individuals older than one year, reproductive organs from adult females, and muscle tissue samples for DNA analysis. According to the agreement with the hunters, the whole body of some of the hunted and found dead wolves can also be collected for parasitological examination and diet studies.
- To analyse the collected material in the laboratory to determine the exact age and fertility of the individuals.
- To conduct DNA analysis of samples from hunted wolves.
- To conduct DNA analysis of samples from depredation sites where predator attacks on domestic animals have occurred.
- To analyse the material and data collected during the 2023/2024 hunting season (demography, kinship, diet, parasites) and compare with the material obtained during the previous research.
- To provide scientifically evaluated information for the State Forest Service (SFS) to communicate with the public, users of hunting rights, farmers employed in animal husbandry, and for data exchange with research partners.
- Further analysis of the survey results "Survey of attitudes towards large carnivores in Baltic countries" to use them in communication with public interest groups about the reasons for differences in attitudes and opinions that hinder the agreement on the goals and tasks of species protection.