Leader: Zane Lībiete Start date: 01.03.2021 End date: 31.12.2025 JCS Latvia's State Forests research programme (agreement No. 5-5.9.1_007n_101_21_76) Project staff Zane Lībiete Publications Kļaviņa Z., Kļaviņš I., Lībiete Z., Šteinberga I. 2025. Journal of Environmental Management, 374, 124118 Acidification level variability in hemiboreal production forest drained peatland catchments and after different intensity regeneration fellings using critical loads modelling approach DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2025.124118 Liepiņa A.A., Jansone D., Elferts D., Barone I., Donis J., Jansons Ā. 2024. Plants, 13(21), 3019 The Effects of the Selective Removal of Adjacent Trees on the Diversity of Oak-Hosted Epiphytes and Tree-Related Microhabitat DOI: 10.3390/plants13213019 Gerra-Inohosa L., Lībiete Z., Matisone I. 2024. Forestry Studies, 79(1), 135-150 Vegetation response to forest ditch reconstruction: Promoting a potential habitat for insect-pollinated plant species? DOI: 10.2478/fsmu-2023-0017 Jūrmalis E., Bārdule A., Donis J., Gerra-Inohosa L., Lībiete Z. 2023. Land, 12(10), 1836 Forest Inventory Data Provide Useful Information for Mapping Ecosystem Services Potential DOI: 10.3390/land12101836 Jansone D., Matisons R., Gerra-Inohosa L., Lībiete Z., Jansons Ā. 2023. Forests, 14(10), 1949 Dead Better than Alive – The Case of Retention Trees and Tree-Related Microhabitats in Young Stands of Hemiboreal Forests in Latvia DOI: 10.3390/f14101949 Gerra-Inohosa L., Matisons R., Jansone D., Jansons Ā., Lībiete Z. 2023. Diversity, 15(7), 870 The Role of Retention Trees in Providing a Habitat for Bryophytes and Lichens in Young Forest Stands: A Mid-Term Perspective DOI: 10.3390/d15070870 Matisone I., Jansone D., Jaunslaviete I., Matisons R., Liepiņa A.A., Jansons Ā. 2023. Sustainability, 15(9), 7594 Stand Structure Beats Age for Ground Cover Vegetation in Ageing Hemiboreal Scots Pine and Norway Spruce Stands DOI: 10.3390/su15097594 Klavins I., Bardule A., Klavina Z., Libiete Z. 2023. Forests, 14(4), 764 Harvest Intensity Impacts Nutrient Status and Young Stand Development in Latvian Hemiboreal Forest DOI: 10.3390/f14040764 Desaine I., Kārkliņa A., Matisons R., Pastare A., Adamovičs A., Lībiete Z., Jansons Ā. 2021. Forests, 12(7), 841 Imitated Whole Tree Harvesting Show Negligible Effect on Economic Value of Spruce Stands DOI: 10.3390/f12070841 Freimane L., Čakša L., Kārkliņa A., Elferts D., Bērziņa B. 2021. Proceedings of 27th International Scientific Conference "Research for Rural Development 2021", 36, 44-50 Post fire ground vegetation development over 25 years DOI: 10.22616/rrd.27.2021.006 Kārkliņa A., Brūmelis G., Dauškane I., Elferts D., Freimane L., Kitenberga M., Lībiete Z., Matisons R., Jansons Ā. 2020. Silva Fennica, 54(5), 10334 Effect of salvage-logging on post-fire tree establishment and ground cover vegetation in semi-natural hemiboreal forests DOI: 10.14214/sf.10334 Čakšs R., Robalte L., Desaine I., Džeriņa B., Jansons A. 2018. Forestry Studies, 69(1), 33-43 Ground vegetation composition and diversity in drained Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) stands 50 years after whole-tree harvesting management: case study in Latvia DOI: 10.2478/fsmu-2018-0010 Matisone I., Zumberga A., Lībiete Z., Gerra-Inohosa L., Jansons J. 2018. Journal of Forest Science, 64(8), 353-357 The impact of forest infrastructure reconstruction on expansion of potentially invasive plant species: First results from a study in Latvia DOI: 10.17221/28/2018-JFS