Start date: 20.05.2024
End date: 15.11.2024

Study suppported by the Ministry of Agriculture
Decision No. 10.9.1-11/24/1843-e (20.05.2024) on support of the Study by the Rural Development Service

Study tasks 

1st phase (2024): To develop and validate the methodology for assessment of the population size of wild boar in the game management units specified by the State Forest Service.

Prepare a theoretical basis for determining the number and population density of wild boar:
1.1. Evaluation of the reliability of previous wild boar counting methods, practices and data in Latvia;
1.2. Selection and coordination of the pilot study area with land owners and users of hunting rights;
1.3. Establishment of cooperation with the European Observatory of Wildlife, which supports and coordinates the monitoring of the state in wildlife populations in Europe according to a common protocol for the use of trail cameras;
1.4. Review of the census methods for wild boar described in the scientific literature and implemented by other countries and initial tests in field;
1.5. Analysis of historical data (distribution, number assessment, hunting bags, landscape forest cover) regarding the period when the population of wild boars in Latvia did not reach 10,000 individuals (before 1970);
1.6. Analysis of data on the co-occurrence of wild boar at feeding sites for the purpose of determining the population structure.

2nd phase (2025): To develop a control system to verify at random (or as necessary) the compliance of the actual numbers and population density of wild boar with the targets set by the strategy for monitoring and eradication of ASF.

2.1. Assessment of the interdependence between population structure and density;
2.2. Definition of criteria for classifying a territory as an area with a population density not exceeding 1.5 wild boars per 1,000 ha (at the level of the SFR territorial management units, national regions and the whole country);
2.3. Control of compliance of records in nature after reducing the number of wild boar to the permissible population density;
2.4. Analysis of the population density of wild boar and epidemiological data on ASF;
2.5. A manuscript has been prepared for publication in a scientific journal of the SCOPUS level.