The study supported by the Nature Conservation Agency of the Republic of Latvia
Research tasks are:
- The recording of traces of bear activity in five Natura 2000 areas: in the nature reserves "Lielais Pelēčāres purvs", "Ziemeļu purvi" and "Stompaku purvi", in the nature park "Vecumu meži" and in the Teiču Nature Reserve according to the recording methodology "Background monitoring of the brown bear Ursus arctos".
- Recording of traces of otter activity in 18 Natura 2000 territories according to the recording methodology "Otter Lutra lutra monitoring in Natura 2000 territories". In 2014, accounting was carried out in the nature reserves "Istra ezers" and "Pildas ezers", in the nature parks "Adamovas ezers", "Drīdža ezers", "Dvietes paliene" and "Silene", in the protected landscape areas "Augšdaugava" and "Augšzeme", Rāzna National park, in 2015 – in the nature reserves "Dubnas paliene", "Jaunanna", "Lubāna mitrājs", "Mugurves pljavas" and "Sita and Pededzes paliene", in the nature parks "Kuja" and "Numernes valnis", in the area of protected landscapes "Veclaicene", as well as Teiči Nature Reserve and Rāzna National Park.
- Recording of traces of otter activity in the indicated squares according to the recording methodology "Otter Lutra lutra background monitoring" (50 squares in 2014, 160 in 2015).
K. Dukule-Jakušenoka photo