Start date: 01.02.2023
End date: 31.03.2025

LSFRI "Silava" is the partner in Projects of research program "Increasing forest capital value and forestry" under the agreement No. between Forest Sector Competence Centre of Latvia and Central Finance and Contracting Agency (CFCA)

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The aim of study is to develop a technology for the cultivation of beech seedlings for forest regeneration and restoration purposes to increase the forest stand resilience and biological diversity. The developed technology is intended for use in Latvian forest nurseries for the production of high-quality beech planting material suitable for local conditions, by approving and adapting the technologies of growing deciduous trees (birch, black alder) already used in practice, as well as adapting and testing the innovative solutions.

The main research activities – exploration of the regeneration ecology of beech, creation of recommendations for production, production of containerized seedlings, storage and quality control of seed material.