- Kopš 1980. gada LVMI "Silava" ir Starptautiskās Mežu pētīšanas organizāciju savienības International Union of Forest Research Organisations, IUFRO biedrs.
- LVMI "Silava" pārstāv Latviju un ir biedrs Eiropas Meža institūtā European Forest Institute– vadošajā Eiropas mežu pētniecības tīklā, kurā 35valstu pētnieciskās institūcijas veic kopējus koordinētus pētījumus.
- LVMI "Silava" aktīvi piedalās Ziemeļvalstu Nordic Forest Research SNS finansētajās meža izpētes aktivitātēs, pārsvarā nodrošinot jauno zinātnieku un informācijas apmaiņu šādos projektos: Centre for Advanced Research CAR's, Operational Systems of Forests OSCAR, Forest pathology PATHCAR, forest genetics GENCAR.
- LVMI "Silava" Ģēnētisko Resursu centrs ir partneris Eiropas sadarbības programmas European Cooperative Programme for Plant Genetic Resources ECPGR augu ģenētisko resursu jomā, notiek sadarbība ar Ziemeļu Gēnu banku NordGen. ĢRC speciālisti ir European Association for Research on Plant Breeding EUCARPIA locekļi.
- Kā starptautiskās sadarbības forma atzīmējama Baltijas valstu mežzinātnes žurnāla Baltic Forestry izdošana.
- LVMI "Silava" aktīvi izmanto ES fondu piedāvāto atbalstu zinātnei un pētniecībai: aktuālie ES līdzfinansētie pētījumi.
- Dalība Eiropas starpvalstu zinātniskās pētniecības European Cooperation in Science and Technology COST akcijās:
CA23121 Genetic Nature Observation and Action (2024–2028);
CA23148 European Network for the Integrative Approach of Urban Forestry (2024–2028);
CA21157 European Network for Innovative Woody Plant Cloning (2022–2026);
CA20132 Urban Tree Guard – Safeguarding European urban trees and forests throughimproved biosecurity (2021–2025);
CA20118 Three-dimensional forest ecosystem monitoring and better understanding by terrestrial-based technologies (2021–2025);
CA19128 Pan-European Network for Climate Adaptive Forest Restoration and Reforestation (PEN-CAFoRR; 2020–2024);
CA18134 Genomic Biodiversity Knowledge for Resilient Ecosystems (2019–2023);
CA18135 Fire in the Earth System: Science & Society (2018–2022);
CA15206 Payments for Ecosystem Services (Forests for Water; 2016–2020);
FP1305 Linking belowground biodiversity and ecosystem function in European forests (BioLink; 2014–2018);
FP1403 Non‐native tree species for European forests – experiences, risks and opportunities (NNEXT; 2014–2018);
TU1401 Renewable energy and landscape quality (RELY; 2014–2018);
FP1206 European mixed forests. Integrating scientific knowledge in sustainable forest management (EuMIXFOR; 2013–2017);
FP1301 Forests, their products and services: innovative management and multifunctional utilization of traditional coppice forests – an answer to future ecological, economic and social challenges in the European forestry sector (EuroCoppice; 2013–2017);
FP1203 European Non-Wood Forest Products Network (NWFPs; 2013–2017);
FP1103 Fraxinus dieback in Europe: elaborating guidelines and strategies for sustainable management (FRAXBACK; 2012–2016);
FP1202 Strengthening conservation: a key issue for adaptation of marginal/peripheral populations of forest tree to climate change in Europe (MaP-FGR; 2012–2016);
FP1201 Forest land ownership changes in Europe: significance for management and policy (FACESMAP; 2012–2016);
FP1102 Determining invasiveness and risk of Dothistroma (DIAROD; 2011–2015);
FP0905 Biosafety of forest transgenic trees: improving the scientific basis for safe tree development and implementation of EU policy directives (2010–2014);
FP1001 Improving data and information on the potential supply of wood resources: a European approach from multisource national forest inventories (USEWOOD; 2010–2014);
FP0804 Forest management decision support systems (FORSYS; 2009–2013);
FP0803 Belowground carbon turnover in European forests (2009–2013);
FP0902 Development and harmonisation of new operational research and assessment procedures for sustainable forest biomass supply (2009–2013);
FP0901 Analytical techniques for biorefineries (2009–2013);
FP0903 Climate change and forest mitigation and adaptation in a polluted environment (2009–2013);
TD0801 Statistical challenges on the 1000 genome sequences in plants (2009–2013);
FP0703 Expected Climate Change and Options for European Silviculture (ECHOES; 2008–2012);
FP0801 Established and Emerging Phytophthora: Increasing Threats to Woodland and Forest Ecosystems in Europe (2008–2012);
639 Greenhouse gas budget of soils under changing climate and land use (BurnOut; 2006–2010);
FP0603 Forest models for research and decision support in sustainable forest management (2006–2011);
FP0601 Forest Management and the Water Cycle (FORMAN; 2006–2011);
E52 Evaluation of Beech Genetic Resources for Sustainable Forestry (2006–2010);
E43 Harmonisation of National Inventories in Europe: Techniques for Common Reporting (2004–2008);
E33 Forests for Recreation and Nature Tourism (FORREC; 2002–2008);
E25 European network for a long-term forest ecosystem and landscape research programme (2001–2004).