Start date: 01.10.2022
End date: 30.09.2025

European Commission Horizon Europa Framework Programme HORIZON-CL6-2021-CIRCBIO-01 Circular economy and bioeconomy sectors grant ID 101060618


Project partners are Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea (APRE, Italy), Globaz SA (LOBA, Portugal), Spring Sustainable Processes and Resources for Innovation and National Growth (SPRI, Italy), Lombardy green chemistry association (LGCA, Italy), Civitta Eesti AS (CE, Estonia), Zentrum fur Soziale Innovation GMBH (ZSI, Austria), Riculture research, LTD, Trabusko (ART, Czech Republic), Irish bioeconmy foundation (IBF, Ireland), Vegepolys valley (VEGE, France), Institutul de prognoza economica (IPE, Rumania), Italian biomass association (ITAB, Italy) and LSFRI "Silava".

The main objective of RuralBioUp is to support innovators to scale-up inclusive and small-scale biobased solutions in rural areas, through the creation of a favourable ecosystem to be maintained within the empowered regions and transferred to other ones, in order to contribute to regional, urban and consumer-based transitions towards a sustainable, regenerative, inclusive and just circular economy and bioeconomy across all regions of Europe.